Please Note: Judy Abel, PT will be on out of the clinic on Sabbatical April through June 2025. The first available appointment for new patients is in July 2025. If you want to get more information and go ahead and schedule with Judy, carry on and follow instructions below:
Interested in making appointments?
Once you complete these Intake Forms you will be directed to a booking site to schedule your appointments with Judy Abel, PT. and you can start your pelvic health treatment assessment and treatment plan.
If you would like to schedule a Free 10 Min Consult to ask questions and discuss the possibilities before scheduling appointments: Click Here
What You Need to Know Before Your First Visit
- The Main Clinic is in a residential neighborhood near Chambers and 25th in Eugene, When you book your appointment you will receive the address.
- You can park in the driveway or on the cul-de-sac, please don’t block any driveways.
- Look for the sign at the top of the stairs to the RIGHT of the house as you look at the garage, watch your feet and hold onto the railing.
- Please plan on arriving at least 5 min before your first visit to navigate construction, traffic and parking. Text 541.515.6215 when you arrive and Judy will meet you outside.
- Comfortable clothing is recommended, but usually not necessary.
- Menstruation does not have to interfere with your physical therapy visits unless pain is debilitating. Actually, physical therapy treatments can be quite beneficial for reducing menstruation symptoms.
- Please avoid using any fragrances as we have some patients in our clinic that have strong aversions and/or allergies.
- Confirm all appointments: You will be receiving a reminder (either by email, or text, depending on your choice when you first made your appointments ) two days before each appointment. Please confirm each time so that we know you are planning on attending otherwise, you may receive another phone call from our office.
- Dr. Ruth, CT (Canine Therapist): We have a clinic therapy dog “in training” Dr. Ruth, she does not shed but, if you have any concerns about allergies or have and aversion to dogs please just let us know and we will remove her prior to your appointment.